Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Running with a smile and my cuter

So yesterday (Tuesday) brandon came over... He decided this yr that he would do as he calls "his marathon" aka the Turkey Trot this year with me... I beg him every yr and this year he caved and said yes... We have been training together.. he never has ran more than one mlie before I made him run with me :) SO before he came over yesterday I ran 4 by myself and then we ran 3 together.... His first time running 3!!!! Wow I am so proud of him!!! Running next to him I couldnt help but smile as he ran with his tensed up face looking so serious trying to get his breathing right... SO CUTE!!! Anyways I wanted to dedicate this blog to him because I am so proud of my lil cuter running with me... So please leave a lil message to encourage him!!!

Turkey Trot
2 weeks
6.2 miles
Brandon ran so far - 3miles down


P.s. It seems like this is now my blog - noone ever writes on this but me.... :(


Gabe ♥ Hannah said...

it's cuz your the only one working out!!!

Gabe ♥ Hannah said...

i love you

Nina Bunk said...

well then change the title and make it yourss!!! i am very proud of brandon, can't wait to come and see you all run!!

Karen said...

I agree with Nina (sort of) -- make YOUR OWN blog (and keep this one as one of Matt's mentioned "neglected blogs" until everyone starts blogging on it again!)

AND congrats to Brandon! Way to go --

Love you and will see you in a few days!

We Love to Run! said...

christa you do need your own blog!!! seriously!!! do it.. and help me make mine cute! xo