Saturday, September 20, 2008


So today me Hannah and Gabe hit St. Clair shores for our 20 miler :)  We all started off SOOO very strong, we even got to run in a 10 k on Jefferson too!!! At mile 11 I felt is if I could run it twice... Me and Hannah we doing so good on our time and Gabe wasn't far behind us!!! I loved running down by the Mansions so much!!! Everything was sooo beautiful and it was perfect running weather!  At mile 19 I all of a sudden within 3 secs got terribly tired... but me and Hannah knew we could finish it and do it strong... We got back in record time for both of us... We ran it in 2 hrs and 55 min... 8 1/2 min pace miles :) WOW Hannah we rock... Gabe did so awesome too!!! I was so happy to run with him... I am so proud of you Gaber!  Pain... None, Walking-Never Ceasing, Tired - Never, Strong , Determined, READY!!!! 



Karen said...

You guys are ALL go-getters! So proud of your discipline and dedication! Can't wait to be shooting pics at the Chicago Marathon FINISH LINE!!!!

We Love to Run! said...

sweet baby few more weeks
